Frequently asked questions


1. How many spots are available in each Sarofsky Lab?

The in-studio weekend workshops there are 12 seats per lab.
The Producing and Pipeline Panels there are 20 spots in each available and held in the studio.
The Design for Motion has 20 spots available and is remote over 3 weeks.

2. What operating systems are available to use?

For the in-person weekend workshops, we will provide a mixture of Windows and OSX machines. You may request your preference, but it is not guaranteed that it will be available.
The panels won’t require technology.
The Design for Motion is remote and you are responsible for providing all the hardware and software. We will be providing the platform and communication tools.

3. Can I bring my own laptop/equipment?

Yes, but you will need to inform us prior to the lab. You will have a different experience and be responsible for your own licensing of products. Any pirated software will not be allowed on our network.

4. Can I use my own custom plugins or scripts?

We provide the entire Red Giant Suite as part of labs, but custom plugins or scripts will not be allowed on studio equipment. However, if you are bringing your own computer, you may use any software you have installed, though support will not be guaranteed.

5. If I am attending from out of town, where do you recommend I stay?

Check out our Travel One Sheet on our website!

6. I am interested in labs, but I am unsure if my skill set applies. 

Sarofsky Labs are designed to cater to individual skill sets and experience levels. We share our processes and approach to certain projects before the artists go off to create their own projects with as little or as much guidance as they prefer. We also limit our workshop size to 12 people to ensure that everyone receives individual attention from our mentors. Different artists will produce varying outcomes. Beginners may leave with style frames and a plan of how to approach the animation while more advanced artists may leave with a fully animated piece. It is our goal that everyone leaves with something they are proud of, regardless of experience level or skill set.

7. Is there food provided?

Yes! Depending on the lab either breakfast and lunch or snacks will be provided.

8. How many Sarofsky mentors will there be per lab?

There will be a minimum of 4 members of our team at each lab.

9. Do we offer online courses or stream any of the labs?

Design for Motion is going to be held on Zoom and will be a 100% remote workshop. At this time, we do not offer any recordings of labs. All other labs are in-person because we believe in face-to-face interaction and the experience of our studio environment is a huge part of the success of these labs.

10. How do I register for labs?

You can now register through our online platform.

11. Do you offer discounts?

Yes! We offer discounted tickets for current students with a valid student ID and we also offer special early bird pricing.

12. Do you have prerequisites for attendees?

No, but depending on the lab, a basic understanding of Photoshop, After Effects, or Cinema 4D is a good starting point. See question 6 for more details.

13. Are all the workshops held in Chicago?

Yes, all workshops are held at our studio here in Chicago with the exception of the Design for Motion lab which is 100% remote.

14. What are the differences between the 1/2-day lab and the 2-day lab?

Main Title Concepting, Design, and Pitching is our 2-day lab and the length of the lab is based on the amount of time that is needed to complete the predetermined tasks. Producing for Motion and Pipeline for Pros are 4 hours long interactive discussion panels. Design for Motion is a 3-week long online workshop where attendees work in their own pace and meet online for revisions, feedback, and discussions.

15. Can I take my work home with me?

Absolutely! You can bring a hard drive and package up all your working files to take home.